Submission of Patient Care Reports as of July 1st, 2021
See NYS BEMS Policy Statement Below:

Agencies considering migration to an electronc patient care reporting system (ePCR) must make notification to the Westchester Regional EMS Office and review the requirements regarding transitioning to an ePCR platform found in:
NYSDOH Policy 12-03:Electronic PCR Data Submission (http://www.health.ny.gov/professionals/ems/policy/12-03.htm)
Official correspondence outlined in the policies should be directed to the NYSDOH Bureau of EMS and Trauma Services (c/o Michael Tayler, 875 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206-1388 ) and the REMSCO (c/o Richard Blackley, 4 Dana Rd, Valhalla, NY 10595), respectively.
All correspondence referencing this matter should also provide the specific name of the vendor(s) being considered.
Verification of vendor comliance with National EMS Information Systems (NEMSIS) standards can be done by visiting: http://www.nemsis.org
A useful checklist for deciding on ePCR Software can be found from the National Association of EMS Officials at:
Deciding on ePCR Software: A Checklist for EMS Agencies
The New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) EMS Bureau has policies that affect the use and storage of PCRs:
NYS DOH EMS Bureau Policy No. 12-02: Re: Prehospital Care Reports
(Supercedes Policy No.s 85-01, 96-01, 02-05)
EMS Agency Codes(Ambulance, ALSFR & BLSFR)
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Regional PCR Field Resource